الأربعاء، 13 مايو 2009


هل من المعقول ان يعاقب الانسان على تصحيح خطأ قد ارتكبة لماذا لم يقبل الناس هذا لماذ لا يقبل التغيير . التغيير للاحسن و تصحيح الاخطاء التى من الممكن فى لحظة ضعف قد يقع فيها الانسان بدون قصد او بدافع العواطف و عندما يدرك ما حدث و يحاول تصحيح ذلك ترى الكثير من المتاعب و الاقوال و الاحاديت لماذا لماذا يطالبة الناس بالاستمرارفى الخطأ ما دام قام بية من وجهة نظرهم ان الخطوة الاوالى فى الخطأهى الخطوة الصعبة ام الاستمرار فية فشيىء من الممكن فعلة بكل سهولة لكن الاستمرار فى الخطا ايضا صعبا و صعب جدا و بالاخص مع نوعية الاشخاص الذين يحاسبون انفسهم كثير و يعاقبوها اشد العقاب و يصعب عليهم الاستمرار فى هذا الخطأ و لكن هناك كثير من الصعاب التى تواجهم عند محاولة تصحيح الاخطاء و لكن مهما كان و مهما واجهة لابد من تصحيح هذة الاخطاء حتى يقدر الانسان عللى احترام نفسة و تقديرها و الاستمرار فى الحياة .....................

الاثنين، 11 مايو 2009

The street children are very important problem. We should
think in this problem . They sow alot of problem in your life. This problem we found in world.

We see the same reasons in all world although different languages, rligions and national. These reason are poor, alot of problem in they family, cruel from them parents. Some children think they found in street a lot of free and unemployment. Number of these children in Egypt is 1200,000 in street.

Sight society to these children is very bad this sight cause to get psychiatric illness in the children and fieeling hate society from they.this children work any thing to get money. They are sell tissues in traffic signal; learn any job like carpenter, mechanical to get mony.
The policman catch them and put with criminal this is very wrong becouse them face a lot of dengers in prison from criminal. they are not criminals but victims . Society should understand that and help them to get right wey. We should n't put them with criminals we should change that.

Make mobile clinics to offer health care, class, kitchen a dvantage hot meal .make anther reception centers for children to attract them from street and back them to your family. Make hot line to help any children. we found village of Elemal attract children to learn , take a shower , eat and give free to sty in village or returen in street or beak to them family. Your idea to enter regular life in their life step by step. Make children's act to protect them.

When aske any one from this children a bout your dreams. We found beautiful dreams like journalist to reveals corruption, get alot of mony, policman to chatch the thief, doctore to help patient. Learn job to help them parent's, artists and learn sport. Alot of dreams them hop to make these dreams.

I have one drean. I buy a big land in sina and build Elowsol village. I build in my village hospital, school, librarys, factorys, alot of gardens and get all street children to live in this village. We can find between these children scientists, inventors, doctors, engineers and artists. I hope make my dream in the futcher.

سـلام عـليك
سـلام علي كــل قلـــب يحــب
وكـــــل حبيب وكـــــل محـب
وكــل عيـون تـذوب اشتـياقــاًً
وكــل قلـوب تموت احتـراقــاً
لتملأ عينـــــي ضيــاءً وحــب
سـلام عليك الذي الهمنى
سقاني خيالا فأمطرت شعــراً
لعينيك أهدي كلامي وعمـري
ولا الشعر يكفي ولا ألف عمر
ســلام عليك الذي علمني